After portions of Kim Kardashian’s contentious advice for businesswomen was removed from The Kardashians, some fans claim that the show is rewriting history.

Fans of “The Kardashians” claim that the program censored Kim Kardashian’s contentious economic advise for women. The hostility Kim experienced after telling businesswomen to wake up and go to work is depicted in a recent episode. Kim’s comment was interrupted in the middle, prompting viewers to speculate online. Morning Brew is read by more than 3 million people; you should too! Thank you for registering! Kim Kardashian’s most divisive remark, which she made when offering guidance to women in business, was allegedly edited out, according to viewers of The Kardashians.

The most recent Hulu episode, which debuted on Thursday, details the criticism Kim received after she was asked in a March Variety interview for her best advice for working women. Kim, her sisters Khloé and Kourtney, as well as her mother Kris, discussed their businesses in the article.

For women in business, Kim claimed to have “the best advice”: “Get your fucking ass up and work.” These days, it seems like nobody wants to work. Social media users slammed Kim after the interview for failing to acknowledge how important her privilege was to her career, Insider previously reported.

However, Kim’s initial statement was only shown in its entirety on the most recent episode of “The Kardashians,” noticeably omitting her claim that “nobody wants to work these days.”

Because of the slight discrepancy, some astute viewers of the program have surmised that it was edited to change the course of history.

However, Twitter user @beautifulnerdme claimed that the editing of the broadcast was a “Pathetic attempt to gaslight people into thinking they “misunderstood,”‘” in reference to Kim’s remarks. @Merryn_Porter accused Kim by name on Twitter of “rewriting history” by selecting only the worst of what she said on the show and “pretending it wasn’t that horrible.”

One user on on Reddit started a discussion thread in which they claimed that the show had ‘blatantly changed the narrative’ on the audience by omitting the last portion of Kim’s statement.

Another person responded to the message and claimed that the Kardashians and the show knew “exactly what they were doing.”

They are aware that by leaving out that line from the show, it would be easier to explain away. But it doesn’t matter. They claimed that their intended audience “truly does not perceive how calculated they actually are.”

One person reported that they stopped viewing as soon as they saw the statement was different.

Earlier, the founder of Skims said that her remarks had been “taken out of context.” On Thursday’s program, she expressed regret in a confessional and claimed that the statement’s message had been “misunderstood” by others.

Kim Kardashian’s publicist declined to respond.

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